*Contents Help
I. Navigating the site
This site is divided into three levels:
  1. The top level or contents page.
  2. Four sections with images from a specific part of our journey, plus two sections with maps and equipment information.
  3. Full-sized versions of each image.
Navigating down into the site is always done by clicking on the image thumbnail or title. From the contents page you may reach any of the six sections and from each section you may reach any of the full-sized images.

On all pages except the contents page, the Navigation Bar appears. You use this when you want to navigate upwards, ie. from a full-sized images to the section or to the contents page or from the section to the contents page. You can also use the Navigation Bar to move between the next and previous sections and next and previous full-sized images.

1. The navigation bar
Navigation Bar

II. Controlling the sound
2. The Sound Control Panel
Sound Control Panel Many of the pages has a builtin background sound. If so the Sound Control Panel appears. You can use this panel to control the volume of the sound or pause and resume the sound again.

On the contents page and the section pages you will also notice that many thumbnails have a speaker icon ( Speaker icon) next to their titles. Clicking on the icon will play the sound associated with that image.

You must have Macromedia Flash Player 6 to be able to play the sounds. Your browser must also be able to communicate with the player using JavaScript. If the Sound Control Panel doesn't appear you are probably missing the Flash player. If it appears but no sound is heard, you might have an older version of Flash installed. Check this by right-clicking on the Sound Control Panel and check the version number in the About Macromedia Flash... menu item. If it is the correct version, check that JavaScript is enabled.

If can't get the Sound Control Panel to work, there is a last resort. On each full-sized image that has a sound associated with it there is a link in the upper right corner to the actual MP3 sound file. Use the link to download the sound to your computer and play it in a standalone MP3 player. Note! The file name ends with .mp2 but it is an .mp3 file.

III. System requirements
To be able to fully experience this site you must have a modern web browser and operating system with the following requirements:
  • You must have Macromedia Flash Player 6 installed or else the sounds will not work.

  • JavaScript must be enabled or else the sounds will not work and you may not be able to view all images.

  • The browser must support Cascading Style Sheets or else the layout of text and images will not look very good.

We have only tested this site on the windows platform with the following browsers:
  • Internet explorer 5.5 and 6.0
  • Netscape navigator 6.2 and 7.0
The following browsers do not work completely:
  • Opera 6. No sound, probably because of JavaScript problems.
  • Netscape 4. No sound, probably because of JavaScript problems.

© 2001-2002  • Graphics and text Nicklas Nordborg